
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Showcase: Chaos Cultist Champion

      I finished painting my first ever Chaos model that I'm entering in the Standard Template Construct's painting/conversion contest. There's still a bit of time left so go check it out, and be sure to head over and vote once they put up the entries. As for my entry, I had a great time painting and converting this guy and am very happy with the way he turned out. More photos below...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

WIP: Chaos Competition Entry

     I was able to make some time to work on painting my first ever chaos model! He still has a lot of work until he's finished, but should be done in time to enter it in the painting/converting competition being run over at Standard Template Construct right now with two $50 gift cards to Secret Weapon Miniatures as the prize! I know it's late notice, but if anyone is painting up a non-vehicle chaos model, you should enter too. There is also another competition going on at the Chaos Manifesto which is giving out gift cards to Games Workshop based on how many people join up. So go check out the competitions and win some stuff!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WIP: Chaos Cultist Conversions

        I finally was able to make a bit of time to work on my Dark Vengeance set! I really like the cultist models, but I'm not a huge fan of having sets of identical models. To remedy that situation I decided to do some minor conversions on one of each duplicated cultist models, and on the champions. After being inspired by some of krautscientist's cultists on eternalhunt, I set out to uniquify my models. More below...

Friday, November 16, 2012

MathHammer Part 4. Rolling to Hit

     This post is to answer a question about the MathHammer calculator. Kai asked me to explain the formula I used to determine the probability to hit with blast weapons. So here it goes. And if you have any thoughts on how this could be improved, or any other questions feel free to leave a comment! More below...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MathHammer part 3. Deep Strike

      Today I will show you this calculation that shows you the chances of scattering into an obstacle when deepstriking. I was actually surprised how safe deepstriking is. This, combined with the newer mishap table means that deepstriking isn't all that bad. And at the end of the article I show you my new method of deep striking into dense terrain based off these calculations. More below...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

MathHammer Part 2. Flakk Missiles

     Welcome to part two of the MathHammer series. This time we will be looking at different ways of dealing with flyers. When I looked at the new Chaos codex I wondered if the new flakk missiles were actually worth an extra 10 points. I also wanted to compare the quad gun and the icarus lascannon. All this was done in my new MathHammer Calculator which you can download at that link. More below...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MathHammer Part 1. Power Weapons

          I have been working on this Excel probability calculator for a while now and decided to share it with all of you! It is incredibly useful when building army lists or determining the best way to deal with a certain unit. In this post I show how to use the calculator to determine which close combat weapon is the most cost effective for a Chosen champion. Download link, and more below...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Comparing the old and the new

            Here is a quick look at some of my older models. These are from about a year ago and I have really changed my painting style since then (for the better I think). More pictures below...